วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Way Better Than The First!

This might just be the best soundtrack ever made. The Main Theme is absolutely fantastic! It's definatly better than the first one, it's faster, and really dancey. The 2nd song, "Fire" is also tons of fun. And then the 3rd one is fantastic! Oh gosh, what am I saying? Every single song on here is better than the last! With the exception of the Kill Bill: Volume 1 soundtrack, I don't think there's one finer. Even if you think you aren't into the Techno/Industrial type music, give it a shot. I've had a lot of my friends listen to it, and I've yet to have one say, "oh my gosh, what is that CRAP?" most of them ask if they can borrow it! I've recorded it off to tape for so many people I've lost count!

