วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

An essential soundtrack

I loved the Mk1 soundtrack, and once i saw the trailer for part2 baq in 97' i just knew i was gonna be blown away with more great music. and i was right, once they aired the commerical for the soundtrack on tv i forced my brother at gun-point (not really) to go out and buy the soundtrack for me and he did, and once i started listening to it i knew it was literally one of the best soundtracks for any movie ever. The movie itself was quite D-rated, but the soundtrack made up for that. you got juno reactor, kmfdm,pitchshifter,megadeath. the list goes on. Few cd's top this for beating someone up to (in video games of course). Im not sure which mk soundtrack is my favorite, mk1 owns, the mk1 bonus soundtrack "more kombat" owns and so does this one. It's well worth your money. I got it back in 97 and for an odd reason im still not sick of it. Sign of a keeper ;-)

